Posted in Covid-19

Breaking Records

We’re still hard at work on our NaNoWriMo novels, and haven’t been working on much else. There isn’t really anything else to say about homeschooling.

But covid-wise, cases are at a record high. And when I say “record” I mean more than double the previous highest point back in April.

The government has released a whole red, orange, yellow, green plan. But they can’t decide who will get financial help. I was reading an article today (sorry, can’t find it now) saying that a lot of restaurants can’t get financial help because they are technically allowed to be open, but Toronto is currently a red zone, meaning they can only have 10 customers inside at a time, regardless of the size of the building. If you can normally seat 100+, that’s a huge hit to business.

The screenshots above were taken from a pdf that I downloaded here. Simcoe County is yellow for now, but the cases have been climbing. We’ve been keeping a close eye on the numbers.

I think that’s really it today. I could get into how Trump is still saying the whole election is a scam and refusing to do a concession speech… but I really just don’t want to.

Stay safe!


Just another parent stumbling through the ridiculousness that is 2020. I'm lucky to be able to work full time from home, which gives me a bit more time to figure out this homeschooling thing. I started this blog mostly as a personal journal, but I hope it might help some other parents out <3

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