Resources Grade 7

For grade 7, I’ve set up weekly folders ahead of time. Each one has an instructions page, any printed worksheets needed, maybe some cheat sheets and QR codes if necessary to get to various places on the internet for more information. Oh, and a weekly self-assessment is also taped into each folder, to be completed at the end of each week.

As in previous years, I’m using the checklists found here for evaluation. I printed out the grade 7 one and put it in a duo-tang. My “grading” is pass/needs more work. Meaning either Steven has a good understanding, or I need to work more with him on a subject before checking it off the list. I usually give work that will satisfy the requirements and then do more later if Steven is struggling with it. The folders laid out here are definitely made with his strengths and learning styles in mind, so you may need to adjust for your kid(s).

I’ll share links to my files here. Some of them are clearly written from me to my child, but I’ll put the links to the google docs here anyways, and you can save a copy and edit as necessary. I’ll also share links to any other resources I used. If I paid for them, I’ll try and remember to include prices (current total $56 USD + $10 CAD).

In addition to the “bookwork” below, we have a lot of informal discussions and learning throughout the year whenever the opportunity presents itself. I was actually surprised at how often impromptu learning happened last year. Being familiar with the curriculum allowed me to turn conversations and situations into relevant learning opportunities.

Note: History and Geography are covered by my husband, usually pretty informally. I will share resources they use or plan on using, but I’m not sure how much will be planned in advance.

Another note: We aren’t doing French. As excited as I was about it initially, Steven has no interest, and it’s just not worth the fight. I was in French Immersion and was fluent at one point (I’m pretty rusty now), but I have never met someone who did the mandatory Core French (grade 4-9) who actually learned how to speak French. So while I feel that he’s missing out on a whole world of French media (that he also has no interest in), he at least won’t be behind his peers when he returns to public school. He can always learn French or another language later if he wants to. There are some French resources on the grade 6 page that you might find useful if you want to cover French.

General resources


Number Sense



  • Instructions
  • Grade 7 Algebra Unit (I didn’t print the whole thing, you may want to scroll through and choose which pages you want – but isn’t this teacher awesome for making the whole thing free!? They’re from Ontario, too, so you may want to have a look at their other resources if you’re following the Ontario curriculum like me.)
  • Pattern Puzzles (I think I actually used these last year… but I doubt Steven will remember)
  • Expressions for patterns worksheets (I used the first 3 on this page, there are also some good instructions here if needed)

Data and Probability



We’re using the book “Everything You Need to Ace Computer Science and Coding in One Big Fat Notebook: The Complete Middle School Study Guide” for this unit. It has a lot of good information with questions and answers.

Financial Literacy

Using this workbook from Schoolio. I’m actually pretty impressed by it. I had heard good things about Schoolio, but hadn’t realized that I could buy units separately. The full price for the whole year is a bit much for us, but I wish I had known I could get individual units earlier.

Language Arts

Short stories

We’re using the book “Flying Lessons & Other Stories” for this unit. We started it last year but got sidetracked. We still won’t likely get through all the stories this year.


I love books. Steven does not. So for everyone’s sanity, I’m only making him read one actual novel this year. I had a really long list of book ideas (because researching books is so much fun and I want to read them all), but the only ones he showed interest in were Agatha Christie novels. I shouldn’t be surprised, really. The only book he ever came home raving about from school was “The Westing Game” (he asked if I could buy him his own copy, and then made me read it). So this year, unless he changes his mind, we’ll be reading “And Then There Were None“. I didn’t use anything specific to the novel, though, so he can choose another book if he wants.


I left this very open-ended, at Steven’s request. The examples all have to do with animals because that’s what he’s into and I’m 99.9% sure his topic will have something to do with animals.


I purchased workbooks for all 4 science units here ($27 USD, or $7.50 USD each if you purchase individually). These booklets double as reading comprehension for Language Arts. Each unit will be covered over 2 weeks.

Form and Function

  • Week 1 Instructions
    • I put up to page 30 from the workbook in this folder, split into sections (as you can see on the instructions page) that I stapled together to make it less overwhelming.
  • Week 2 Instructions
    • I put the last few pages of the workbook in here, including the quiz.
    • The instructions include a final project in which we will build a structure that can support books using only newspaper and tape.
      • Where we live, we get a free newspaper delivered weekly… or bi-weekly maybe… I honestly usually just put it in the recycling bin. But I’m going to hoard a few for this project. If you don’t have something like that, maybe ask around to see if any newspaper readers can save a few for you. Or just change the project to use whatever you have available.

Heat in the Environment

  • Week 1 Instructions
    • Up to page 28
  • Week 2 Instructions
    • The last few pages of the workbook and the quiz
    • An assignment to write instructions for an experiment. The idea is to have someone else do the experiment, following his instructions, while he explains what is happening.

Interactions in the Environment

  • Week 1 Instructions
    • I changed the order of the workbook a bit
  • Week 2 Instructions
    • I moved “Indigenous Perspectives” and “Protecting the Environment” to this week because I wanted to make sure they got the attention they deserved. I was worried if they were at the end of last week Steven would rush through them.
    • I used the “Invasive Species” project from the booklet, but gave the option to present me with a different idea. Steven wants to be a zoologist (currently, anyways) and he already knows a lot about invasive species, so I wanted to give him this option in case there was something else that piqued his interest.

Pure Substances and Mixtures

  • Week 1 Instructions
    • Up to page 28
  • Week 2 Instructions
    • Separating Mixtures
      • I made this assignment to be a culminating project. I’m hoping that Steven will be able to complete it without much help, since he will have a few days to research and plan.
      • I’m going to put the items for this project in a container with dividers, or maybe just layer them in a bottle. I’m thinking maybe sand, salt or sugar, rice or gravel and some bits of metal or something that will be attracted to a magnet.

Phys Ed

Phys ed is a daily 20+ minute activity. I try to give Steven a lot of choices, but usually, he just chooses to go on the treadmill while watching youtube. We will go on walks and do other activities as a family when we can, but my work schedule often makes that difficult. Here is what is on the choice board:

  • Zombies Run! – I think this is fine for this age group, but there is definitely swearing and references to sexual stuff and some just gross mental images, so up to you if that’s ok for your kid. Steven and I play it together, which gives us the opportunity to discuss subjects that might come up. The app will give you one “mission” free a week, or you can get unlimited access for $40 USD a year. The app also has some other stories, I haven’t tried them, but I’m sure they’re worth checking out if zombies aren’t your thing.
  • Darebee – there are tons and tons of workouts on this site. I printed 2 of the 30 day programs that I thought Steven was capable of doing (difficulty level 1 for my not very active kid, yours might be able to do a higher level) on cardstock, 4 to a page so I could cut them out and have a deck of cards he could work his way through.
  • Bitgym – haven’t tried this one yet, but it gives you guided tours all over the world while you’re on the treadmill or stationary bike. Seems like it could be educational.
  • I also included a list of other ideas like going for a walk, jumprope, sidewalk chalk games, snow games, and anything else I could think of that could be counted as physical activity, and left a bunch of free space for him to write in his own ideas.

Health/sex ed

This is just some stuff I found, not really sure what I’m doing for this subject yet. Might just do some informal discussion and watch videos or something.


Liam covers this subject, but has shared some of his plans. These weeks won’t necessarily be done in order.

Week 1 they will read and discuss the book “The War of 1812 Against The States” and discuss. This is an old book we already had, but it seems to be around $10 if you can find it for sale.

Week 2 will be hopefully a trip to the ROM, if it’s open and safe to do so, learning and discussing and maybe doing an essay afterwards.

Week 3 is using this workbook on the constitution ($3.50 US) and a lot of discussions.