Posted in Homeschooling, Language Arts, Science, Space, Writing

NaNoWriMo prep – Week 8

This week we finished up our science unit and learned how to write a 5 paragraph essay. I had Steven research the contributions Canadians have made to the study and exploration of space. Then he filled out the writing map I found here and used it to write an essay. Some of the essay writing concepts didn’t quite sink in, so we’ll be writing more essays later in the year. But we didn’t spend too much time on it this time around because we were both excited to start our NaNoWriMo prep!

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Posted in Homeschooling, Language Arts, Reading, Science, Space

Week 7

This week was pretty uneventful, really. It was a short week because of Thanksgiving. Steven spent most of it preparing a slide show presentation on life in space, which he presented to us yesterday. I kept it simple, just asked him to pick 5 everyday tasks (like eating and sleeping) and research how they are done in space. After his presentation, we watched some of Chris Hadfield’s YouTube videos from his time on the space station to cover some other everyday tasks.

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Posted in Covid-19, Holiday, Homeschooling, Life, Science, Social Studies, Space, Thanksgiving

Solar System Model Building – homeschooling week 6

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope whatever you are doing to celebrate this weekend, you are safe and have lots to be thankful for. Some things that I am thankful for this year:

  • our collective health
  • family and friends (especially our grocery fairy) who have helped us immensely while we continue to stay isolated
  • being able to work from home
  • being able to homeschool Steven
  • the internet for keeping us connected to the outside world
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Posted in Covid-19, French, Grade 6, Homeschooling, Language Arts, Life, Reading, Science, Space, Writing

Exploring the Solar System (week 5 homeschooling)

Week 5: Solar System Reading Comprehension

One of the science units for grade 6 is space and the solar system. So this week was focused on learning about the rest of the planets. Steven had already read about a couple of them over the last couple of weeks. They were easy to fall back on when he was struggling with math and I had to work.

This week, Steven completed the solar system reading comprehension activities found here this week. He also completed the key terms and solar system worksheets in this workbook. I bought the bundle that covers all the science units for grade 6. I then had him use these worksheets to make a plan for building a model solar system. I’m sure I’ll have lots of photos of that next week.

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