Posted in Book Report, decimals, fractions, Homeschooling, Language Arts, Life, Math, percentages, Reading

Week 3 – randomly generated math worksheets

Steven finished reading “The Lemonade War” by Jacqueline Davies last week, so I purposely didn’t assign time-consuming work at the beginning of this week so he could work on an after-reading assignment. He made a comic strip of a part of the book. Maybe not his best work, but he did do some sketches before doing the final copy. Next time I’ll give him more direction before he starts.

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Posted in decimals, fractions, French, Grade 6, Homeschooling, Life, percentages

Week 2 homeschooling reflection

We’re still doing French, Music and Phys Ed every morning. This week we did some French worksheets that focus on the sounds letters in various French words make (beginning sounds, hear the sounds). I think they’re meant for a younger audience, but they get the point across without being boring. I had Steven google each word to find the French translation and then listen to the pronunciation and repeat it.

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